Myth Busters: We’re ALL Artists at Heart

Creativity, Intuition

Can we have a little heart-to-heart about creativity?

Forget those snooty art critics or the idea that only “special” people can create art.

Here’s the truth: we’re all born with a creative spark. Yep, even you!

Maybe you haven’t picked up a paintbrush since kindergarten, or the thought of drawing a stick figure makes you break into a sweat. That doesn’t mean you’re not creative. Creativity comes in all shapes and sizes, and it’s not just about painting pretty pictures.

Think about it: you come up with creative solutions at work, whip up delicious meals in the kitchen, or tell hilarious stories that leave your friends in stitches. That’s all creativity in action!

So, what’s the deal with the “artistic” label? Well, some folks are naturally drawn to expressing their creativity through traditional art forms like painting or sculpture. That’s awesome! But it doesn’t mean everyone else is out of luck.

You see, “good” art isn’t about following some arbitrary rules set by society. It’s about creating something from a place of genuine inspiration and intuition. It’s about expressing yourself authentically and connecting with others through your creations.

And what makes art “good” for the viewer? Simple – it’s whatever moves you, inspires you, or sparks joy in your soul. It doesn’t matter if it’s a masterpiece hanging in a museum or a doodle on a napkin. If it speaks to you, it’s good art.

So, embrace your inner artist, whatever that looks like for you. Let your imagination run wild, experiment with different mediums, and most importantly, have fun! Because at the end of the day, the joy of creating is its own reward.

If you’re inspired to take this to heart and start exploring creativity for yourself, check out my workshops!  Let’s paint together!

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