Painting from the Heart: My Creative Process & the Power of Intuition


Inspiration is all around us!  If you take the time to look, it’s everywhere. I often find myself inspired by the simplest things: the way colors play off each other, the patterns in nature, the interplay of light and shadow, or even just the shapes of everyday objects.

The world is like a giant canvas, bursting with these little sparks for creativity. But for me, it’s not about trying to copy what I see.  I find that incredibly boring.  That’s what cameras are for!  Instead, it’s about using those initial sparks to ignite my own intuition to just start creating.

As I’m playing in my studio, I allow myself to let go of any preconceived notions and just let my intuition take over. It’s like my mind takes a backseat, and my body just knows what to do next. Each brushstroke, each mark, each choice of color or medium is guided by that inner knowing.

It’s a pretty amazing process and I’m constantly surprised by what emerges when I simply let go and trust my intuition.

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