No Rules, Just Art: My Creative Journey with Artistic Media


One of the most fun things about being an artist is playing around with all sorts of art supplies. And you know what’s even better? New materials are always popping up, so there’s always something new to try!

Personally, I’m hooked on acrylic paints and inks. They dry super fast, which is perfect for me since I tend to work on several pieces at once and like to keep things moving quickly. In “process paintings”, I generally only use inexpensive tempera paint.  This keeps my mind free from worries about ‘wasting’ expensive materials or getting hung up on trying to achieve a specific outcome.

No matter what I’m creating, I strive to let my intuition guide me in the moment, rather than planning everything out. This doesn’t really work with slow-drying paints like oils, so that’s why acrylics and tempera are more my style.

When I really let loose, mixed media is the most exciting because there are no rules – it’s total creative freedom! You can combine anything and everything to create something unique. This fits perfectly with my “go with the flow” approach to art. I love to be surprised by what happens on the canvas and find it super fun to incorporate found objects or natural materials like leaves, rocks, and dried flowers.

Allowing the unexpected in my art it always keeps things interesting!

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